Data Collecting as an Important Stage of the Research Design

A very important stage of the research design is collecting information. There are countless decisions which the researcher must make in terms of how information can be collected for a survey. The choice greatly depends on the question being asked by the researcher and the object which is being researched. The choice of a type of approach often depends on the chosen type of information to collect: qualitative or quantitative. There are a number of distinctions between these approaches. Quantitative data is concentrated on quantity, while qualitative data is focused on the quality of a logical structure. Other researchers suggest the research to be directly connected with the hypotheses we have about ontology, human nature and epistemology. However, data collection can be of two kinds.

The first kind of data collection is Primary Data. It is the original information gathered by a researcher himself. This information is direct, authoritative and not exerted by the influence of anyone’s point of view. The second kind is called Secondary Data. Despite that a research will probably be grounded on the original information collected by the researcher (primary data), the researcher must become acquainted with secondary sources. Information which is secondary for some research may turn out to be primary for the others. Such sources as books, newspapers, magazines and reports would be secondary for the majority of researches. For example, in English periodicals some law articles are based on secondary data.

So in data collecting the researcher is the main instrument. The process of analyzing data for the research project includes the consideration of two types of research – qualitative and quantitative. Methods belonging to qualitative research differ considerably from methods of the quantitative research. Quantitative research has a great effectiveness in data collecting. Qualitative explores an area, gathers information observing and interviewing people and frames hypothesis.

Angel Ramirez is the head of customer care center at, dissertation service. Having completed a number of Dissertation Abstract himself, Tiffany uses her knowledge to provide individualized customer support to students, who order research proposal.

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