Data Extraction Services: Enter Extraction Data Online within your Budget

PR Log (Press Release) – Mar 25, 2010 – Do you have requirements of data extraction services? If yes then your search ends here. At Online Web Research Services, we are providing online data extraction and data mining services. Our data extraction services include extracting data from websites, data extraction for creating networks of suppliers.

At Online Web Research Services, we have successfully completed track record of finishing data extraction projects for 200+ clients around the world. We offer latest, professional and resourceful data extraction services. We extract data with high quality and 99.9% accuracy at cost effective prices. Also you can save up to 60% of cost on web data extraction projects.

We know the importance of good quality of extraction data and for your satisfaction we provide you trust to show some of the online data extraction samples. For more information, please visit us at:

Online Data Extraction involves list of services that includes:

• Data extracting from complicated databases
• Data extracting from website
• Data extracting by querying Databases
• Currant market news related to services
• Improve your products marketing
• Increasing your business contacts
• Various online databases for products/services marketing
• Maintaining prospective client databases


Web Research and Data Collection India, Outsource Web Research - Data Collection Services India

Web data collection is an invaluable need for companies wishing to compete in the 21st century. Why torture yourself trying to get your own people to master every aspect of every new technology? There are others who have fine tuned their knowledge and skills and fortunately for you, they publish the results of their hard work on the internet.

Data Entry India (Biz) helps companies who want to develop a database of any vital information. We offer high level of accuracy, timely deliveries, total confidentiality and cost effective web research and data collection services to our worldwide clients since 2006.

Data Entry India (Biz) offers high quality online data collection or data capturing services with minimum hassles, and within your budget. It allows you to increase the rhythm of your business activities in a rapid pace, save time, save money and gives you many other competitive advantages.

Data collection services are useful for industry sectors such as legal, financial, insurance, real estate, marketing, healthcare, research, hospitality, commercial services, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, education and several others.

Advantages of 'Data Entry India (biz)' Web Research / Data Collection Services:

99.98% accuracy and error FREE result

* Services from a team of experienced, expert and dedicated personnel
* Advanced infrastructure resources
* Optimum security of your data and information
* Quicker services delivery
* Knowledge about customer preferences
* Save almost 60% on your operating cost
* Competitive Pricing

If you would like to assess the competency and quality of work provided by Data Entry India (Biz), why not gain of the free trial? You can benefit as questions about quality, turnaround time, security, and other key issues will be answered. If you would like to find out more please fill in the inquiry form and our representative team will contact you within 24 hours.

For more details, please visit us at

Web Data Extraction, Extract Important Data at Lowest Extraction Price

PR Log (Press Release) – Mar 25, 2010 – Are you in need of web data extract from best resources? Are you searching for web data extraction with best quality? Outsourcing Web Research- having 17 years of experience in the web data extraction. We are deliver web data extraction services within your budget as per requirement of our clients.

Outsourcing Web Research provides data extraction services in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and other part of the world. Our web data extraction experts allow us to offer valuable data extraction solution for our clients.

Outsourcing Web Research having vast experience of providing following low cost web data extraction services:

Extract information about competitors, firm size, product sales.
Web data extraction: Extract stock data from web page
Scrape unstructured data from the web and transfer it to Excel
Extract data from a web page and transfer it to another application
Extract tabular data from web and conditionally transfer it to Excel.
Extract competitor's price list regularly and stay ahead of competition
Extract people data from web page and put it in database
Extract Tabular data from web and transfer it your own application.
Extract web data and transfer it to your database
Extract real estate property information from a website
Extract restaurant data from a website.

We have data extraction specialists having enough experience and knowledge to extract data or information from best resources with 99.98% accuracy. Our web data extraction expert offer high quality, cost effective and time bound web data extraction services.

Outsource now web data extraction services to us now!!!

Send us all your web data extraction projects on and to know more about our data extraction services visits us on

Data Mining: Low cost Data Mining Service for Text Data Mining

PR Log (Press Release)Mar 16, 2010 – Outsourcing Web Research has proven methodologies, advance infrastructure and quality data processes. We have experienced data mining specialists and state of art technology which is capable to deliver fast and error FREE output of data mining within given time period which gives immense satisfaction to our clients that’s our 100% guarantee.

Our data mining services that help you in process of data collecting, capture from any data type to the format of your choice are what we offer at Outsourcing Web Research.

Outsourcing Web Research follow the below steps to perform accurate data mining:

• Scanning large volumes of data
• Data extraction
• Pre-processing of data from the data warehouse
• Meta data extraction
• Web data mining services
• Data mining research
• Text data mining service
• Excel sheet presentation of data collected from online sources
• Data mining books
• Data interpretation
• Updating collected data

We have well established and cost effective data mining solution at Outsourcing Web Research organization. We have specialization in data mining services. You can get data mining services with accurate quality and within your estimated time.

If you are looking to test our accuracy and quality of work, get FREE Trial Offer on data mining services for first few hours. It is totally free.

Outsource data mining requirements to us and also save up to 60% of costs of your research projects. To outsource data mining services to us, please send data mining requirements on OR Contact at:

Web Data Extraction - An Easy Way To Extract The Data From Internet

With the advent of internet technology, the entire world has become an information hub. If you want any information, then you need to search for web sites. Every day there are so many web sites are establishing and having more and more information. For this instance, if you need information, you need to download from the different sites. To get sufficient information, you need to search for numerous sites, and you need to download all the information. However, the information in these web sites is all same, but they are presented in different styles. It means, this information is storing in a different structure format and most of the times you need to do so much manual work that is too difficult. There are so many sites offering these data extraction tools to resolve this issue. When it comes to the data extraction process, it is a process of retrieving the data from different web sites.

There are so many advantages with these scrapping tools that you are able to download all the information, and you can convert this information into some useful comparison of data. In most of the time, you need to do so much manual work and that could be a real hectic for you. In Internet, there are so many scrapping tools are available for you and with these tools; you are able to reduce your manual work.

Most of the web sites are having web pages in HTML format, and these scrapping tools are used to extract these web pages. In most of the times, these tools are crawling the web sites and retrieving the information from the web pages and stored them in a document. Most of the people are calling this process as data mining. Another advantage of these tools is you are able to compare the different data structures. In these technology days, every business, irrespective of size is suffering with the competition.


Marvist WebResearch Is Expanding Its Research Services

Businesses need research services more during turbulent times rather than in good times. To meet the growing needs of the clients, Marvist came up with a range of marketing research services.

The new services include Custom Research including Ad-hoc Research and Background Research that can give fact-based inputs to the higher management of the businesses. Apart from these, other new
services include Industry Monitoring Service, Newsletter Service and Online Marketing Data Collection Service.

Marvist WebResearch also launched a new website dedicated to research services. This will enable the marketing research clients to find suitable research services easily from Marvist. On the other hand, the new website enhances Marvist WebResearch’s ability to reach out and cater the needs of the clients efficiently.

Ultimately, the goal of Marvist WebResearch services is to aid the businesses to take well-informed decisions.


Collecting Process Data

Collecting data for analysis is more than a statistical process. All of the math in the world will not compensate for not understanding the behavior of the process you are trying to measure. Not everything is settled in numbers. Some things will be discovered in context. For example, "We really have problems when it is raining."

As a result, data collection plans embody four qualities of collected data that are essential to optimize its usefulness. These qualities have to do with the data's ability to represent the process' performance.

* There must be sufficient data to see the process' behavior.
* The data must be relevant.
* The data must be representative of the process' normal operating conditions.
* The data must be contextual.

There must be sufficient observations to see patterns of variation and shifting central tendency in the process' output. As part of building a data collection plan, the team will seek to understand the process' history so that all expected sources of variation are captured.

Consideration must also be give to the size of the performance gap that the team is trying to measure. As the size of the gap gets smaller, the number of samples needed to measure the gap, with statistical confidence, increases.


Data Collection Services, Collect Data at 60% Cutting Rate

PR Log (Press Release)Mar 09, 2010 – Outsourcing Web Research is one of the world’s best leading outsourcing data research organizations having comprehensive online data collection solution. Our data collection services involve data extraction and database management system.

Outsourcing Web Research can handle all aspects of data collection, from design, printing and fulfillment to tabulating and reporting the data. We are collect information from different online as well offline sources.

With data collection services below lists of web research services are also available at OWR.
• Data Mining/Web Mining
• Data Extraction
• Data Collection and Database Management
• Data Validation and Database Management
• Mailing Lists Creation

Increase your business competitive benefits by outsourcing data collection and other web research services to us. We are offer quality services with a wide range of advantages at reasonable rate.

We have qualified staffs who know which process makes data capturing complete and accurate for accurate data collection. Our data collection expert allows us to provide accurate and exact data collection clarification which useful to accomplish your data research requirements.

We are offering up to 60% saving on your data collection services and also you can test our services with FREE Trial Offer for few hours.

Outsourcing Web Research has best infrastructure includes 200+ workstations supported by advanced technologies for operational efficiency and optimum security of your data and information.

We enable to complete your customized data collection need at very cost effective rate. You will get more information about data collection services at: or you can send your inquiry on:

How Web Research Rescues Small Businesses From Failing

Small businesses play a major role in the economy. According to Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses represent 99.7% of all the employer firms in U.S. Though small businesses constitute major portion of all the businesses, they always struggle to sustain. SBA says that nearly 70% of small businesses perish within 10 years. There are many reasons for a business to fail and some of the major reasons are lack of proper planning, lack of industry knowledge, inefficient marketing, unable to differentiate between a true opportunity and just a new idea, lack of competitors' intelligence and poor pricing strategies.

Unlike large corporate executives, small business executives or owners are hands on. They can easily have direct customer feed back and see actual ground reality. However, they also need big picture perspective and this is what it is missing. Earlier to get holistic picture of their industry environment, small business owners had to wait for a magazine or newspaper to do a cover story. Now they can search and find lot of information on Internet. Let us see how web research can help small businesses -

Defines marketing problems and opportunities in local markets
Small business owners are close to their customers and have a clear sense of their needs. However, there is chance to get carried away in identifying the opportunities and threats in the market. Web research begins with identifying the issues on a broader sense from different angles and defining the problems and opportunities. It captures the vital information on product consumption, the product substitutes and their reputation as well as other data that can trace out the problems and build the case.


Web Data Extraction - Data Extraction Made Is Easy

From the past decade, it has been observed that so many people are interested download any information from the internet.With the advent technology of internet, definitely, you will find numerous information on all topics under the blue.However, the content in these sites is same, and they are presented in different styles. However, the real hectic work is, if you want to download all of this information and from these sites, will become difficult. To resolve this issue, so many sites are offering data extraction tools, which are so important, and it is a method retrieving the unstructured data from data sources. With the help of these scrapping tools,you are able to download all the web pages and you convert those pages in structured data for comparison of data. However, searching web pages through all sites, copying data and pasting it in a separate document is really hectic work to do. Most of the people are not interested to do this job. There are so many scrapping tools are available in the internet to make our work easy. With these tools, the manual work is reduced, and you are able to do all the work at a time.

Most of these tools are used to scrapping the data from HTML pages of sites. When it comes to the web scraping, normally, it involves crawling through different web sties, capturing the unstructured data that can be saved in a record. The web scraping can be considered as the browser using the computer software. Most of the people are also calling this one as a data mining. Most of the times, this web extraction is used for comparison of different data structures. In these E-commerce technology days, these tools play a significant role in the online comparison of price lists, real estate data, job postings and capturing the addresses and many more. Most of these tools are performing with hundred percent accuracy and efficiency. According to the human manual work, it will take almost three to four days of work, but with these tools, you are able to doe work within minutes.


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Web Data Extraction at Lowest Possible Rate

PR Log (Press Release)Mar 03, 2010 – Does your business require data extraction at affordable rate? Outsourcing Web Research is right place to outsource web data extraction requirements.

With more than 17 years of experience in the internet market research, Outsourcing Web Research is deliver fast, accurate and time bound data extraction solution across UK, USA, Canada and Australian based clients and also other part of the world.

We offer various web data extraction services:

• Extract data from a web page and transfer it to another application
• Extract tabular data from web and conditionally transfer it to Excel.
• Extract people data from web page and put it in database
• Web data extraction: Extract stock data from web page
• Extract Tabular data from web and transfer it your own application.
• Extract data from one online system and transfer it to another online system
• Extract web data and transfer it to your database
• Extract restaurant data from a website.
• Scrape unstructured data from the web and transfer it to Excel

Outsourcing Web Research provides cost savings are significant up to 60% on web data extraction. You can also use our FREE Trial Offer for better understanding of our web data extraction services for first few hours.

We have proven and successfully completed web data extraction assignment within customized requirements of our clients.

To know more about our web data extraction services and other web research, contact us at: OR send your research requirements via e-mail us at:

Online Web Data Collection at Lowest Rate

( March 3, 2010 -- Does your business require data extraction at affordable rate? Outsourcing Web Research is right place to outsource web data extraction requirements.

With more than 17 years of experience in the internet market research, Outsourcing Web Research is deliver fast, accurate and time bound data extraction solution across UK, USA, Canada and Australian based clients and also other part of the world.

We offer various web data extraction services:

• Extract data from a web page and transfer it to another application
• Extract tabular data from web and conditionally transfer it to Excel.
• Extract people data from web page and put it in database
• Web data extraction: Extract stock data from web page
• Extract Tabular data from web and transfer it your own application.
• Extract data from one online system and transfer it to another online system
• Extract web data and transfer it to your database
• Extract restaurant data from a website.
• Scrape unstructured data from the web and transfer it to Excel

Outsourcing Web Research provides cost savings are significant up to 60% on web data extraction. You can also use our FREE Trial Offer for better understanding of our web data extraction services for first few hours.

We have proven and successfully completed web data extraction assignment within customized requirements of our clients.

To know more about our web data extraction services and other web research, contact us at:


Online Data Collection Sources For Surveys

Everyone likes to know about ways to earn money and if they will know about the ways with which they can get money without doing any hard work, they will do anything but try these ways. One such easy way of earning money is through taking online surveys. If you will type online surveys in your favorite search engine then you will get several results for your search. Hence it is quite confusing to know which of these website will be a good source to participate in an online surveys. Here you can take the help form online date collection sources for surveys.

The online date collection sources for surveys is a place where you can see all the online surveys under one website. This gives you better chance to find some authentic online surveys. The online surveys listed in this online data collection sources for surveys are genuine and hence you can trust that they will pay you for your opinion. These websites will charge some nominal fee so as to give you access to their large database. But you are safe while paying on these website as you know that your money will not go waste.


Data Mining-Concept And Techniques


Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cut costs, or both. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it and summarize the relationships identified. It is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.


Data: Any facts, numbers, or text that can be processed by a computer is Data. Large amounts of data are being accumulated by the organizations in different formats and different databases. There are three types of data.

Operational or transactional data: This includes sales, cost, inventory, payroll, and accounting.

Non-operational data: Data from industry sales, forecast data, and macro economic data are considered non-operational.

Meta data: Data about the data itself. This includes logical database design or data dictionary definitions.

Information: Patterns, associations, or relationships among all the above type of data provide information of all the above types of data.

Knowledge: Information can be converted into knowledge about historical patterns and future trends. For example, a manufacturer or retailer could determine which items are most susceptible to promotional efforts.


Data mining techniques are the result of a long process of research and product development. This evolution began when business data was first stored on computers, continued with improvements in data access, and more recently, generated technologies that allow users to navigate through their data in real time. Data mining takes this evolutionary process beyond retrospective data access and navigation to prospective and proactive information delivery. Data mining is ready for application in the business community because it is supported by three technologies that are now sufficiently mature:

⃰ Massive data collection

⃰ Powerful multiprocessor computers

⃰ Data mining algorithms