BelWo Clinical Trial Data Management

The processing, handling and retrieval of clinical data, is at the heart of a successful clinical trial. Managing data in every sphere of business is highly essential. Data management enables how an entire organization flows in a methodical, systematic and processed way. However, above and beyond any other field, data management is critical in dealing with clinical trial research material.

BelWo Data Management System:

Once the data is acquired, the management of the data is essential to the success of the trial. The collected data is located on case report forms (CRF) and stored in the clinical data management system. Each case report form is named to avoid any mistakes. The data is checked for any typographical errors as well as any logical errors. Data coding is also done by the management system. Coding is done mainly to introduce medical terms into the attained data. In the end, the data is analyzed by regulatory authorities to approve or disprove.

BelWo provides a range of Clinical Data Management services to fit your specific clinical trials needs. The BelWo clinical trial data management team handles individual stand-alone services for smaller research trials to more complex data management for larger clinical trial studies.

BelWo’s objective is to convert the data into a reliable, accurate and meaningful trial output that meets international quality standards and regulatory guidelines. BelWo's clinical data trial management services have defined systems that enable faster decision-making.

BelWo Services:

Case report form (CRF) design

Database design and study setup

Data entry and verification

Data validation and query resolution

BelWo Benefits:

Increase quality of data captured during clinical research process

Reduced burden placed on healthcare professionals conducting clinical trials.

Improved patient care

Improved product and patient safety

Our clinical trial data management has provided a positive effect on speed, efficiency and the results of clinical trial studies since 2002. By utilizing technology, our data management services and clinical trial expertise we help you get the most from your data. BelWo's clinical trial data management provides accuracy, security and more control at a cost effective rate.

BelWo Inc. is a leading provider of Legal Process and Business Outsourcing (BPO/LPO) services. BelWo is headquartered in Troy, NY (USA). The global, BelWo service centers are located in Chandigarh, Pune, Bangalore, India and the Middle East. As a leader in outsourcing, BelWo Inc. provides Clinical Trials Document Management, litigation support and legal document management services.

Article Source: Articledashboard