Controversy Surrounds Web Research Service

Academic research website is getting praised by students for its easy of use and functionality and attacked by middle agers due to its name. The site's logo is of a femal dog fetching homeworking but allusions to the "correct" use of a seemingly offensive word only stir up the passions of the site's critics even further.

'I've been getting calls several times a day informing me that I am a mysogynistic old man who has no shame," says Michael Lissack the Director of the Learner's Library parent company of the website. 'But, I have not met a student yet who did not make use of the same word (b*tch) to describe an unpleasant or tedious research assignment."

In response to critics unveiled version 2.0 of its site on October 8. Navigation components have been improved and there are plans to optionally make the searches of users sharable. is the only search engine on the Interent which allows users to input queris of up to 10,000 words in length. Search results are drawn from a database of more thna 500,000 academic journal articles. The search technology is patent pending. Students can submit notes, outlines, or even drafts of their papers and the search engine supplies them with links to high quality research materials and quotations with which to fill out their work.

"Some professors complain it is a form or cheating, " Lissack said, "but sicne when is mindless drudge work a useful part of the assignment? We do the drudge work and free up time for the student to think, read, and write." is on the web at and on Facebook at

Michael Lissack can be reached at or at
